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Oklahoma World Organization of China Painters Inc.



April 23, 2022


The April Quarterly Meeting of the OK WOCP INC was opened at 10:00 a.m. President Sarah Gomez welcomed members in attendance and led the group in prayer. The meeting was held in person at the Museum and via Zoom due to the Covid 19 pandemic.


Corporate Secretary Ruthanne Reitz conducted the Roll Call. State Officers, Past State Presidents, Club Presidents and Club Delegates were counted. These totaled 20, making a quorum for the meeting.

The Minutes from the January meeting were sent out to all members via email. The minutes were accepted as presented.

Shirley Weston requested that comments be repeated so that Zoom members can hear comments. She also asked for the Agenda to be presented on the screen.


The Treasurer’s Report was presented on the screen due to the absence of the Treasurer.

This includes an amount of $6623 in total income. There is $7093.58 for total expenditures.

The report was approved as presented. This makes a balance of $3389.74. Expenses were from the state convention even though it was cancelled. This makes a balance of $3652.46. After no discussion, the Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented.



The By Laws Committee chairman, Shirley Weston asked if anything could be done about the Past State Presidents that are not able to attend the meetings and help meet the quorum. Lois checked Roberts Rules of Order, and because there is no provision in that area, we are not allowed to adjust the quota for a quorum. Members on Zoom and members in person may be counted. Shirley mentioned the need to remove the Past Presidents that cannot attend. Sarah said because they pay their dues yearly and remain members, there is no way to remove them from the quorum calculation. Sarah asked Shirley to bring the information concerning this to the next meeting. Shirley agreed.

Sharan Amend, State Treasurer, filed the taxes form due for the current year. She asked that the club treasurers collect dues, have members check the membership forms for corrections on their information and send in the information as soon as possible to her. The due deadline is May 15, 2022. Sarah commended Sharan on her work as State Treasurer, and said that she deserves our thanks.

Membership Yearbook Directory Chairperson Lois Higgins stated that everyone needs to use the correct form to make corrections for the state directory. If new State President Ann Truscott agrees, there will be a new directory printed for the new year.

Publicity Chairperson Sarah Gomez commented that she had placed ads in the China Painter magazine, IPAT magazine, Facebook, WOCP Webpage, and emails concerning the scheduled convention in April. Lois Higgins had arranged good vendors and presenters for the event. Because of the Covid 19 Pandemic, it was agreed that the convention should be cancelled. It was a hard decision, but based on the facts at the time.

Membership Chair Ann Truscott stated that members need to keep looking for new members to join OK WOCP, and she is working on new membership seminar.

Fine Arts

OKC: Fillis Newman Jackson said that the new person at the Oklahoma State Fair in the area of displays and competitions is proving helpful to work with for the china painting exhibits. They will plan together the Live Competition held annually at the Fair. Fillis invited everyone to participate in the State Fair Competition this year.

Tulsa: Marilyn Miller and Susan Owen reported that the Tulsa Fair is not supporting the china exhibits this year. They are working on a display at the Hardesty Library.

The Nominating Committee for this year was Ruthanne Reitz, Chairman, Adrienne Mauch, and Susan Owen. They finalized a group of officers for the new year. The 2022-23 Board of Officers will secure the next Nominating Committee.

The Events Committee is not currently active.

Grants and Scholarships Committee. Because of the cancellation of the convention, President Sarah Gomez suggested that all of the funds raised for the convention be used for new programs and awards for new members and seminars, scholarships and awards for new members. These funds will be turned over to Ann Truscott and her committee. It is too early to say how all the funds will be allocated at this time.

Ann Walker was awarded $95 some time ago, to be used for a seminar which never took place. Sarah suggested that her money be given to her to use at a seminar or class of her choice in fulfillment of the obligation. Ann Walker will decide how to use that. Lois Higgins stated that we can send her a check to use for that purpose.

The Pauline Salyer Award was presented to Sharan Amend last year (2021). Marilyn Miller spoke of her value to the organization and how she was quite deserving of the award, serving in several capacities, including state treasurer and treasurer of her local club for several years. Susan Owen presented Sharan’s award to Ann Truscott to be presented to Sharan, since she was not present. Susan Owen presented the 2022 Pauline Salyer Award to Emmelen Allen. Susan described all the contributions she has made to the organization. Emmelen expressed her appreciation and honor to receive the award and stated that she was overwhelmed and speechless.

OK WOCP Educational Funds. Trustees in Charge include Lois Higgins, Peggy Dennis, Emmelen Allen, and Marilyn Miller (who was taken off the committee due to a mistake).

Lois gave the Educational Fund Report. We have taken the 5-year CD and moved it to a 1 year CD at the rate of .40%. It expires in 2/2023. The balance is $23,953.81. We have earned interest of $16.54 since the change of that CD. The second CD has an interest rate of .50% and matures in April, 2023. A two-year CD received $82.40 in interest and has a balance of $16,564.17. The total funds are $50,811.46.

Museum Balloting Committee including Nancy Lepak, Chairman, Dorothy Anderson, and Susan Owen were thanked for their help in conducting the museum balloting by computer as well as in person at the museum. Susan Schmidt and her husband were thanked also for the photography of the items at the museum so they could be posted on the website for balloting. Nancy Lepak thanked everyone for their participation and announced the winners which included Thelma Ingram, Marilyn Miller and Peggy Dennis. Sarah Gomez pulled up photos of the winning entries and placed them on her computer for attendees to see. The winners were congratulated by Sarah.


Drawing win for Ann Walker. The drawing win for Ann Walker for $95 was addressed earlier in the meeting.

Seminars which will be paid by OK WOCPINC include the Kathy Lewis seminar scheduled for June 14-16, 2022. New president Ann Truscott will take over these arrangements. Winners have been drawn. Those that cannot attend need to respond so that a replacement can be named. The cost is $300 per day for regular attendees. The suggestion was made that those members in the city area might offer a spare room for attendees due to the high costs of lodging.

A motion was made and approved at the last Board Meeting to repair the organization’s computer. Sarah asked if anyone knew if that had been done. No one knew, and this will be addressed.

The World Show Delegates were Dorothy Anderson and Sharan Amend and Alternates Nancy Lepak and Adrienne Mauch. None were able to attend due to the Pandemic activity.

Motions made and possible scholarships due to the cancellation multi-state events have been previously discussed, and Ann Truscott and her officers will determine these items.


A.No new business was presented.

Lois Higgins expressed appreciation for the service given and presented a gift to Sarah Gomez for her two years of service as Oklahoma State President. The gift was opened, and a hand-painted vase painted by Lois was given to Sarah.

Sarah Gomez thanked her slate of officers for their two years of service to the organization. She included the planning and procuring of vendors and artists/demonstrators for the convention that was cancelled. She had gifts for her officers and praise for the exceptional efforts that were contributed by the officers for the organization.

B.Installation of the 2022-23 State Officers

Susan Owen conducted the installation. The officers installed were President, Ann Truscott; Vice President, Fillis Jackson; Corporate Secretary, Ruthanne Reitz;

Corporate Treasurer, Sharan Amend; Historian, Nancy Lepak; Parliamentarian, Shirley Weston; and Webmaster, Sarah Gomez.

Incoming officers of OK WOCP INC for 2022-2023 were installed. Susan Owen presented a rose and butterfly to each as they were installed.

The members in attendance through Zoom were Ruthanne Reitz, Marilyn Miller, Retha Falkenberry, Helen McNabb, Emmelen Allen, Adrienne Mauch and Shirley Weston.

The members in attendance in person at the WOCP museum in Oklahoma City were Lois Higgins, Sarah Gomez, Nany Lepak, Ann Truscott, Ann Barton, Susan Owen, Junita Lohr,

Mary Williams, Susan Gee, Debz Laverentz, Fillis Jackson, Dorothy Anderson, Jody Cook, Kay Kernan, Le Yeatts, Peggy Dennis, Fern Lynch and Bernetta Stewart.


*Past Presidents: Sarah Gomez, Lois Higgins, Dorothy Anderson, Susan Owen, Jody Cook, Emmelen Allen, Shirley Weston, Junita Lohr,

and Peggy Dennis. ---(9)

*Club Delegates: Adrienne Mauch, Humdingers; Helen McNabb & Marilyn Miller, Oil Capital; Bernetta Stewart, OK WOCP Teachers;

Fern Lynch & Nancy Lepak, Sooner Leisure Porcelain Art; Susan Gee, China Dolls.–- (7)

*Club Presidents (not past presidents): Retha Falkenberry, Oil Capital;

Ann Truscott, Sooner; Fillis Jackson, OKWOCP TEACHERS. --- (3)

*OKWOCP INC 2021-2022 BOARD (not past presidents):

Ruthanne Reitz, Corporate Secretary. ---(1)

The meeting was adjourned and turned over to the new president, Ann Truscott.

By unanimous action the Board confirmed, approved, and ratified all actions taken by the officers of the OK WOCP INC. and resolved that all such acts and actions were duly authorized and were therefore ratified and confirmed as acts and actions on behalf of the OK WOCP INC.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruthanne Reitz, Corporate Secretary

Oklahoma World Organization of China Painters, Inc.

The undersigned being an officer of OK WOCP INC, does hereby consent to all action taken at said meeting as reflected in the foregoing minutes, dated April 23, 2022.

Sarah Ann Gomez

Sarah Gomez, President

Oklahoma World Organization of China Painters, Inc.


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